Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Beginning

There were two reasons that lead to me having the idea to start this all up.  One, it will hopefully force me to start making headway on the exponentially growing stack of recipes I keep on dog-earring, cutting out and printing out, a mountainous task that’s been on my to-do list since I moved to Texas and officially started adult life.  And two, it will give me a way to show you guys a little bit more of my life as I keep getting further and further away from Arizona, an issue that seems even more pressing now that I’m in South Carolina.  Plus, every time I cook something good I think “I need to tell Mom about this!”  And let’s face it, cooking blogs are ALL the rage right now…

As for the name, when I finally get to try one of those recipes I’ve cut out and it passes the “Yumm!” test, it gets pasted lovingly into my very own cookbook.  A wonderfully green photo album turned Liz’s Own Cookbook.  AKA—my big green cookbook.  There’s not too much in there now, mostly random dessert recipes and copies of Mom’s tried and true ones. But lots of recipes with potential and a willing cook.

I'm going to do my best to do at least one new recipe a week and hopefully post more often than that.  And we'll see if I'm tech savvy enough to ever post pictures.  And, you know, we'll see what happens.